Multi-line 2 ALC Application Software series 4x

Multi-line 2 ALC Application Software series 4x

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PM compatibility version 1.34.0

New features:

  1. Five new M-Logic alarms 10-14 added in menu 3660-3700.



  1. Nominal power for each load group increased from 10 MW to 32 MW.



  1. Translation now works even though no DU-2 is mounted and only new language is written.





PM compatibility version 1.34.0

New features:

  1. Five new M-Logic alarms 10-14 added in menu 3660-3700.



  1. Nominal power for each load group increased from 10 MW to 32 MW.



  1. Translation now works even though no DU-2 is mounted and only new language is written.





PM compatibility version 1.23.1.

New features:

  • Load-groups are now able to close on a dead busbar in AUTO mode. This can be activated via Modbus commands, Modbus control register or M-Logic.
  • Eight low frequency alarms are added. These are placed in menus 1000-1070.


  • Faster execution of load-groups closing.
  • Four output relays on terminals 118-119, 118-120, 121-122 and 123-124 are now configurable.



PM compatibility version 1.21.0.

New features:

  •    Configurable amount of units for triggering Fatal CAN Error alarm is added in menu 8800.


  •    Support of ASC-4 redundancy.


  •    Corrected that selection of ‘Number of PMS units’ and ‘PMS CAN baud rate’ previously would only work with default settings. and an issue with redundancy.



PM compatibility version 1.16.0
Includes version 1.15.0

New features:

  •    Now possible to open and close LG's while position failure is present.
  •    Block LG fail classes added
          • Position failure alarms set default to LG Block fail class.


  •    Corrected ALC Breaker Feedback Emulation.



PM compatibility version 1.16.0


  •    Horn relay now working
  •    M-Logic PMS flags for GB/MB closed now working 
  •    LG(load group) pos. fail alarm now possible when LG is disabled



PM compatibility version 1.16.0


  •    32 DG/Mains support
          • Support of 32 DG's in ID range 1-32 (AGC-4/200, version 4.65.0 required).
          • Support of 32 Mains in ID range 1-32 (AGC-4/200, version 4.65.0 required).
          • Support of 16 ASC's in ID range 25-40 (ASC-4, version 4.06.0 required).
          • Support of  8 ALC's in ID range 25-40.
  •    Support of ASC PV and Battery.
  •    Heavy Consumer logic added.
  •    Flip/Flops added to M-logic.


  •    Disconnect Load can now be set to 200 % and 999 sec.


  •    Corrected: Tripped open relay hanging on redundant unit.
  •    Corrected: LG's are not opened in AUTO mode when disabled.
  •    Corrected: Digital input alarms are not activated by input.




  • In some instances, all fail classes were initialised to "Shutdown" unintentionally.



PM compatibility version 1.15.0
1- Includable in Power Management application type "Standard" together with AGC-4 and AGC 200.
a) Up to 16 gensets.
  b) Up to 16 mains.
c) Up to 8 BTBs/ALCs in plants.
d) Spinning reserve support.
2- Able to close and open breakers according to available power from DG. 
3- Able to place the ALC in mains load point.  

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