The shipping industry continuously faces new environmental responsibilities, and the requirements for turning in emission reports are increasing. Public reporting takes a considerable amount of time, and it can be both difficult and time-consuming to collect all the data required from the fleet. Blueflow features automatic reporting that could save you hundreds of hours and improve the validity of your reports.
Blueflow Emission Monitor
The new emission module Blueflow Emission Monitor is a complete tool for compliance monitoring and emission reporting.
All global and local ECA/SECA areas are supported. Your vessel´s momentary emissions are compared with the applicable ECA limits, and instant alarms are sent if the limits are exceeded. Onboard the ship, the crew are alerted well in advance of an ECA area, giving them time to prepare and take appropriate actions.
The module is an integrated part of the standard Blueflow online 3.0 system and combined, they will put you in total control of your fleet´s fuel- and energy consumption, as well as of your emission situation.
MRV reporting made easy with Blueflow
Initially, the EU adopted the Monitoring, Reporting, Verification regulation (MRV) requiring ship owners to monitor emissions for vessels of 5,000 gross tonnage (GT) and above calling ports in the EU.

In January 2019 the International Maritime Organization (IMO)* adopted the legislation worldwide and the first time for submitting reports was 31 December 2019. The new regulation causes some extra administrative work and can be quite time-consuming. With Blueflow reporting is made easy, for example, you can create EU MRV compliant emission reports automatically, and the reports can be submitted electronically in just a few clicks. Not only do you save a lot of time, but you are also sure that the reports fulfil all the requirements and are based on correct data as the human factor is removed.
*The United Nations specialised agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships.
SOx compliance – think ahead
Scrubber installations are becoming increasingly present in the maritime industry as they are one way to comply with the 2020 global sulphur limit. In time, shipowners with scrubbers installed probably will be required to make an extended annual emissions report, including SOx and NOx emissions and quality of discharge water.
The Blueflow system can be used for monitoring the scrubber system by connecting sensors. All collected data will be transmitted automatically to the Blueflow system that will generate reports automatically on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis, ready for submitting to the supervisory authority.
Additionally, Blueflow sends alarms if emissions exceed setpoint limitations or if the bleed off quality in a closed loop system does not comply with standards. Blueflow provides a continuous monitoring solution for scrubber and filtration system conditions, chemical consumptions, etc.

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- 90 years of energy pioneering
- Manufactured at the highest standards
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- Unmatched service and support
- Made in Denmark