Multi-line 300 DU 300 ver 1.x.x

Multi-line 300 DU 300 ver 1.x.x

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New features:

  • Introduces a new view for exhaust after-treatment dashboard increasing the support of Tier 4 and Stage V engines.


New features:

  • Introduces a new view for exhaust after-treatment dashboard increasing the support of Tier 4 and Stage V engines.


New features:

  • Identification of controllers in Pairing page.
    • Added the ability to send the "Identify" command from the "Pair" page.
    • This command creates a blinking pattern of the power LED of the PSM3.1 card.
    • This allows users working in an environment with multiple controllers to easily confirm the controller they wish to pair the display with.
  • Support for CODESYS custom info pop-up and status text.
    • This allows CODESYS designers to provide better user experience by delivering messaging and status information of the CODESYS application.


  • Synchroscope page label
    • Added a label to identify the breaker that is being synchronised.
    • This improves the recognition of the controller being synchronised.


New features:

  • DU300 button management.
    • Added the ability to disable (and enable) the buttons of the DU300 by parameters.
    • The buttons are disabled in blocks related to their functionality.
    • This provides more possibilities to configure the controller to the application's requirements.


  • Fixed an issue with the differentiation of two synchroscopes with the same measurements, like an EDG.
  • Fixed an issue related to ANSI codes shown on the alarm popup.



  • Improved navigation and look of the Parameters page.


  • Solved an issue that would cause the DU 300 to crash when downgrading DU software.


New features:

  • Support for Tags:
    • New menu for options to display the tags set in parameters.
    • Options for tag visualisation include: Alarm pop-up, alarm list, logs page and parameter page.


  • Update to languages
  • Connection improvements


  • Solves an issue where the display could enter a manual loop after returning from synchroscope.



  • Font size and duration of error message increased in the virtual keyboard.
  • New counters icon for alignment with PICUS.


  • "Missing" counters removed from the display.
  • Units shown for the I/O terminals.
  • Counters are now limited based on the counter type.
  • Display restarts on I/O pages when fieldbus configuration is updated.
  • LED's no longer light up before the screens become active.
  • Passwords with special characters can now be used from the display.


New features:

  • Synchroscope view.


  • Local display configurations (for example, brightness and units) will now be kept when new application software is installed.


  • Bar graphs and gauges animations performance is increased.
  • Fixed an issue in View Design where up/down keys lost focus after a blue pop-up.
  • Fixed an issue in Parameters where up/down buttons would not be shown.


New features:

  • Custom alarm action suppression: It is now possible to enable alarm suppression for custom alarms from the display.
  • Fast data interface: Faster update rate of gauges, counters, status texts, and live data views.
  • Engine communication:
    • J1939 alarms and historical events.
    • Fieldbus, configuration, supervision and CANbus error handling.


  • Fixed translation of texts in the View designer.
  • Fixed translation of message box popup breadcrumb.
  • Fixed DU300 live data subheader text cutting lower case p, g, j, q, y letters.
  • Fixed DU300 showing negative ampere.
  • Fixed conversion between C and F not having effect on scaling (View design).



  •  Change default DU300 font to Noto sans


  • Not converting set point and hysteresis to F on custom alarms
  • Memory leak during PPU 300 long term test



New features:

  • Support of IOM3.2 and IOM3.3.


This software package consist of:

  • DU 300 SW version


  • New Chinese font.


  • Fixed that DU 300 was not showing the correct prefix according to the scale.
  • Fixed that DU 300 was showing "undefined" entry in the value list for SYSTEM events.
  • Fixed a missing retranslation of IO card info in DU 300.
  • Fixed a memory leak in the display.
  • Fixed a missing translation of texts in units and in the user permission screen.


This software package consist of:

  • DU 300 SW version

New features:

  • Extended alarm information.
  • Support of ACM3.2 V.
  • Support of Trip breaker outputs.
  • Support of /IO extension unit.


  • Version page layout.
  • Backup and restore information.


  • Text bug in live views.
  • DU shows random info message.
  • Display showing wrong version number.
  • ApplState not updating text.
  • Backup from the display shows undefined text in information window.
  • Missing text for View design.
  • Restore info page: Not all cards is shown.
  • Display does not update alarm and event texts, when the custom text is changed on external breaker.
  • Backup status should handle error status.
  • Possible to enter alarm sub-menus with an empty alarms list.
  • Parameter settings are shown on the display, when setting up digital outputs.


This software package consist of:

  • DU 300 SW version


  • Support for BSP


This software package consist of:

  • DU 300 SW version

New features:

  • Support for multiple menu levels.
  • Display shows a pop-up window for the user before going into service mode.
  • Informs the user about development of the software.


  • Support for PlantSupervision ver


  • IOM3.4: DO's are not shown on display and in PICUS.
  • Display is not loading min. and max. from parameters when they are changed.
  • Power derate temperature is not shown on DU until power cycle.
  • When changing type, DU sometimes freezes until it restarts.
  • DU300 reboot in view designer.
  • Not able to close alarm pop-up.
  • Alarm "trigger value" is not updated if the alarm is already in the alarm list.
  • DU300 does not check versions for individual REST resources.
  • View designer cannot add counters to counters template.

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