Multi-line 2 PPM Application Software series 3.x.

Multi-line 2 PPM Application Software series 3.x.

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  • Optimised heavy consumer calculation




  • Optimised heavy consumer calculation




  • Too many Modbus requests could cause the Modbus communication to stall.
  • Incorrect fast over-current measurement causing alarm to appear inappropriately.




  • SMS functionality corrected.
  • Inhibit for Fast overcurrent and voltage-dependent corrected.
  • Stop-coil wire break alarm can be enabled.
  • The blackout handling at parameter 8896 has been corrected.
  • Counters possible for running hours in day, week and month
  • Remote start and close “GB" and "Remote open GB and stop" functionalities have been corrected.
  • Display handling slow and inconsistent if corrupt PM CAN telegrams are present
  • Analogue input sampling has been updated in order to improve precision
  • Running Detection Reached timer (parameter 6351) added. External Engine Stop detection (parameter 6352) added.




  • BTB auto close did not work after blackout, if EDG was online




  • HC variable feedback, reservation did not change according to feedback.
  • Navigation in menu 9140 was incorrect.
  • Phase/neutral and phase/phase measuring were mixed up when used for detection.
  • TCP/IP could cause the unit to reboot.
  • Channel 3410 relay A password did not work properly.
  • Changed relay alarm texts from Alarm NO to Alarm ND and Alarm NC to Alarm NE.
  • The reactive power was wrong for phase rotation L1L3L2.
  • Voltage and frequency went to nominal values when GB is forced on.
  • EIC protocol change could cause the unit to reboot.
  • LD start/stop calculation was wrong if Secured mode was enabled.
  • Ship to ship did not work with a live busbar.
  • Ship to ship did not close SCB on a black busbar.
  • Ship to ship did not work properly with LD start/stop.
  • Ship to ship should not accept import of power.
  • Automatic update of jump menu related parameters when reading through TCP/IP.
  • Multi-input in binary mode is now represented on I/O page in USW when reading through TCP/IP.
  • No alarm shown in display when alarm combination of Horn, Common alarm and Siren was selected.
  • If Hz/V was not OK after the GB close sequence was initiated, the PPM-3 would interrupt the sequence without any alarm.
  • HC calculation was always in S if an SG/SC was alone on one side of a BTB. This is changed to P.
  • DG//SC parameter fail class could not be changed and disabled from display.
  • Harbour operation as a single genset (stand-alone) did not work.
  • EG//MBB max time could be activated in harbour mode.
  • A heavy consumer feedback could start another DG across an open BTB.




  • Update of self-check functionality




  • Jump menu 9000 navigation.
  • "Wrong password" text on secondary display.
  • In emulation when deloading or going to SWBD mode, some extra load appears and sends reversed power into the rest of the system.
  • In emulation when switching from load share to SWBD, the other DGs take the entire load.
  • TCP/IP Modbus read of enable bit incorrect.
  • TCP/IP control registers not updated.
  • Heavy Consumer can be connected without enough available power if the unit is in semi-auto.
  • Output status on relays for HC3/4 acknowledge is wrong.
  • Adjusted control settings PF (channel number 2981) minimum from 0.30 to 0.60.
  • HC acknowledge does not work in M-Logic.
  • DG in base load took the entire load from SG or SC.
  • HC with variable feedback went in to overflow.
  • Overlap on SC, synchronised back after breaker is opened in semi.




  • M-Logic line evaluation corrected.
  • Service Timer Days not adjusted when setting the date from display.
  • The "Store common set points" function did not store common set points on all units in the section.
  • "Volt frequency ok" not checked before entering synchronisation sequence on SG and SC.
  • Inhibits not available under "Available Power" parameters 8220-8260.
  • Parameter (8891) auto close is corrected.
  • Calculation of standby power not correct for parameter 8220-8260 and Modbus.
  • Parameter 8892 "Blackout I>>" corrected.
  • Event text regarding changed breaker feedback corrected.
  • The new low priority DG sometimes doesn't stop after priority shift, when load-dependent start is calculated in percent.
  • Heavy consumer corrected for systems with BTBs.
  • Moved "CAN flags" on Modbus from 1053 to 1078 (function code 4).
  • Moved "Info message" on Modbus from 732/1054 to 1079 (function code 4).
  • Moved "Current status" on Modbus from 1055 to 1080 (function code 4).



New feaures:

  • Alarm test mode at jump menu 9050.
  • Store common setpoints at jump menu 9240
  • SWBD return mode at menu 6910.
  • Slope setting for manual analogue regulation.
  • Relay minimum ON time test function.
  • Extra LD Start & Stop timer for fast LD start/stop.
  • Blackout status to Modbus/M-Logic.
  • Heavy consumer 3 and 4.
  • Reservation alarms for all heavy consumers.
  • "Plant total DG power" to available power menus.


  • Default setup of governor to analogue output if present. 
  • Manual relay regulation does not use the regulator anymore.
  • Minimum value for HC start value to 0 kVa.
  • Minimum value for HC nom. power to 2 kW.
  • Changed password in jump menu 9100 to Service password.

Changed: VDO to RMI.

  • Corrected: Setting the clock from the display does not always work
  • Corrected: HC Ack. delay parameter not shown in USW 3.34 on PPM-3 SC units
  • Corrected: Safety Stop starts an extra generator
  • Corrected: PPM-3 resets if it has to acknowledge and clear too many alarms.



  • When a DG is started because of a busbar warning alarm, the delay for closing the GB to a dead bus is reduced
  • Frequency measurement for the generator is used for NEL protection on an EDG when the TB is opened
  • Auto acknowledge can be removed for the following alarms: 7533, 7534, 7535, 7536 and 7871



  • Blackout start sequence after a busbar alarm warning has been improved. An additional DG could be started
  • Apparent Power for each phase is now written to Modbus (register 524-526)
  • Updating data for Option N has been improved. Data used by USW supervision was not always updated



  • Handling of "Shore connection position on" input has been improved. Too many DGs could be started after deactivation of the input
  • Voltage on busbar when deactivating "Shore connection position on" input could result in wrong return mode (AUTO, SEMI-AUTO)
  • A DG could switch to wrong mode (AUTO, SEMI-AUTO) when SWBD control input was deactivated and parameter 8021 "Update all" was active
  • Input "Remote deload and stop" has been improved when used during cooling down



  • The PMS blackout sequence has been improved. The delay from “voltage/frequency ok” until “GB on” is reduced



  • Dynamic priority mode has been improved regarding DGs in SEMI-AUTO mode.



  • Modbus measurement table entry 1005 bit 6 (Breaker position alarm) is improved for DG units.
  • The breaker open sequence for SG and SC is improved. When two SGBs/SCBs are closed and one SG/SC is in PMS control, one breaker will always open.
  • Data regarding option H6 is now updated correctly on option N.
  • EIC stop command is not sent when a shutdown alarm occurs and shutdown override is active.
  • High frequency (above 150 Hz) immunity on AC voltage input implemented.



  • NEL Common Trip alarm has been improved



  • Dynamic priority mode is implemented
  • M-logic command "First standby" is implemented
  • Parameter 8023 "Delayed priority shift" is implemented
  • M-logic events for external trip alarms is implemented
  • Relay function "Common Alarm" is implemented
  • DG has first priority is implemented as modbus status bit



  • Default inhibit setting for BTB parameter 1170, 1180, 1190, 1240, 1250 and 1260 is changed
  • Additional DG are started simultaneously when PTH mode is enabled
  • Analog power output (parameter 5840) in PTH mode is improved. The current direction is changed in the power calculation
  • Improvement is made to prevent the last DG breaker to open if the DG is deloading when other DG's on busbar are tripped



  • Relative running hour priority has been improved
  • SC/DG parallel timer on SC has been improved
  • NEL alarms (Frequency) can be reset during blackout
  • NEL alarms (Frequency) is default inhibited for SCB OFF and SGB OFF
  • Modbus measurement table entry 1005 bit 6 (Breaker position alarm) is improved for BTB units
  • Parameter 8022 (PM Config - local/remote update) is visible in USW
  • Priority can be changed when input "Load dependent stop blocked" is active



  • The startup procedure after blackout has been improved. Too many DG’s could start if they changed from SWBD-control to PMS-control at the same time



  • M4 protocol 1.01.0 improved. An alarm "Appl. SW ver. hazard" could occur after power up
  • The sequence for changing from one SC/SG to another is improved. An info text "SC SUPPLY BLOCKED" or "SG SUPPLY BLOCKED" is shown when a new SC/SG is requested and no DG is on busbar or no DG is ready for auto start



  • BTB split sequence improved. In some situation the split sequence stopped with the info text “SPLIT NOT POSSIBLE”.
  • System emulation showed wrong current measurement on BTB when power though BTB was negative.
  • DG priority on display is updated when parameter 8030 priority selection is changed.
  • Sequences for changing between DG and SG/SC supply are made more robust regarding load changes.
  • Communication to N-option improved. 
  • Modbus register 1005 (function 4) updated for BTB's.
  • Sequence BTB close to DG supply is improved. Shaft deload could fail if more than 1 BTB's and more than 1 SC/SG in the plant.



  • One extra DG could start during blackout if command unit DG isn't first priority DG



  • The last BTB in a wrapped bus bar can be closed. (Parameter 8991 on BTB) When all BTBs are closed a BTB will be tripped if the open button is pressed on a BTB
  • Two shore connections can be in parallel (Parameter 8981 on SC)
  • Short time parallel DG and SC. (parameter 2761, 2762, 2763 on DG and SC). Using this function requires breaker feedback from SC wired to inputs on DG and breaker feedback from DG wired to the SC inputs
  • When secured mode is activated or Heavy consumer’s needs power the short load dependent start timer is used for starting additional DG’s
  • When changing from SC/SG supply to DG supply, DG’s needed for secured mode are started immediately
  • Auto and Semi Auto buttons can be deactivated via m-logic (“Deactivate AUTO/SEMI and AUTO button” on DG and EDG)
  • M-logic for activating AOP2 buzzer
  • Info text on display when wrong password is used
  • Start enable input not needed after cranking. If DG is not started after cranking the enable input is needed before next start attempt
  • If cranking has been activated the stop coil will always be activated before leaving the start sequence.
  • Support for identifiers in USW
  • Support for M-logic evaluation in USW
  • System Emulation implemented
  • D1 option is updated. When DG is parallel with SC the DG performs fixed PF regulation using parameters 2981 and 2982 When parallel with SG the plant PF is used as regulation set point. 
  • Priority can be changed via m-logic
  • If a DG gets running feedback in SWBD-control the run coil will be activated
  • Data availability for N option is improved
  • The PMS can cancel ramp down for a DG in AUTO and use the DG in the load depending start
  • The alarm "Application software version hazard" has been implemented
  • Fail class can be selected for External trip alarms
  • Minimum number of DG running can be selected for PTH mode
  • Parameter for delay of Heavy Consumer acknowledge is implemented
  • P and Q measuring has been improved for single and split phase



  • BTB open sequence has been improved



  • GB-off sequence (Deload) is improved for DG in SEMI.
  • Status text “GB TRIP EXTERNALLY” is only shown in 10 after a breaker is tripped externally in SWBD-control.
  • Sequence for changing from SC/SG supply to DG supply is improved.



  • Standby functionality improved when "External manual" priority is selected.
  • BTB open sequence improved regarding the number of DG starting.
  • Display texts regarding measurement is available in translations.



  • SG breaker close sequence has been updated for application with an external controlled breaker.



  • Alarm "NEL Common trip" activated for external trip in SEMI-AUTO and AUTO mode.
  • DG/SG Max time deactivated when SG in base load is deloaded.
  • N-option updated.



  • PTH Mode updated. A SG in PTH mode can be on the busbar together with another SG. SGB open can be controlled by “Zero pitch” input and menu 2104 Power ramp down
  • Type has been added to parameter 8220-8260 Available power
  • Parameter 8960 NEL Common Trip has been added
  • DG’s in auto can take part in SG Base load
  • Priority “External manual” can be selected as priority type (parameter 8031)
  • Heavy consumers is available for SC unit
  • Temperature dependent cooling down time
  • Info text available on Modbus table
  • Under speed alarms has been added (4590 and 4670)
  • Reset Analog Gov output added to M-logic commands
  • M-logic command “Last priority” added to M-logic commands
  • Power factor calculation has been improved
  • GB cannot be opened in semi if the only other generator on busbar is an EDG with parallel timer running
  • Safety stop calculation is made independent of load dependent start/stop limits in P and S when load dependent start/stop is calculated in percentage
  • Additional DG is started when a busbar alarm occurs on a EDG in harbour operation



  • TB synchronisation for DG in harbour mode improved
  • Section forced to DG supply if no shaft/shore on busbar and no shaft/shore ready for auto SGB/SCB on
  • Relative running hour counter is updated



  • BTB synchronication updated on DG
  • Loadshare via analog loadshare line can only be activated via digital input
  • Consumed power readouts updated



  • Starting additional DG in case of busbar alarm (warning) has been improved
  • Virtual output Load GB spring improved
  • Heavy consumer functionality improved when DG in semi and minimum number running activated
  • EDG harbour operation: Sequence for handling TB trip alarm updated
  • Parameter 7532 CAN fail mode is default SEMI-AUTO on EDG 



  • EDG as stand alone without regulation
  • EDG as part of PPM-3 system without regulation
  • EDG parameter 7044 test type: Value OFF added
  • EDG harbour operation with DG’s in auto mode implemented
  • Option C2 added
  • Configurable digital output “GB spring loaded” implemented
  • Configurable digital input "Start enable" implemented
  • Configurable digital input “Overspeed” with shutdown fail class implemented
  • Access lock implemented (Block for display and AOP pushbuttons)
  • Consumed power added to USW trending list
  • Virtual events available on modbus
  • Block load dependend stop available via mlogic
  • Parameter 1930 DG/SG max time added to SG unit
  • Parameter 1940 DG/SC max time added to SC unit
  • Available power 3,4 and 5 added to Mlogic
  • Relays can be configured with alarm siren functionality
  • Alarm relays can be configured as normally closed
  • BTB Parameter 8896 Manual close during blackout implemented
  • Max values for parameter 2023, 2032 and 2112 changed from 10% to 30%.
  • Configurable digital output selection via USW improved



  • PM Communication handling updated
  • Handling of Beckoff modules updated



  • Inhibit of Max parallel timers made posible
  • GB OFF handling improved
  • Info text “SHORE conn. pos ON” only shown when relevant



  • BTB sequences for blackout handling improved
  • BTB sequences for SWDB control improved
  • Blackout handling for SC activated
  • HC calculation was not correct for DG’s in semi.
  • Menu 6200 "Shut down override" activated for EDG
  • Reactive power calculation in percentage improved
  • Power factor calculation improved



  • Blackout handling for SG improved



  • Additional NEL events implemented in M-logic
  • M-logic CAN commands/Events implemented
  • Emergency stop bin. input improved
  • Service timer handling updated
  • Load dependent start stop timers events in M-logic updated
  • Binary running detection improved
  • Default setpoits for BB U > alarms changed
  • Consumed power readouts updated
  • M-logic Commands for DG in auto/semi auto updated



  • Info-text handling updated.
  • Update made in initialization of Power management CAN lines.
  • Power available readout updated.




  • Improved BTB handling of busbar alarm and "Shore connection position on"
  • Busbar alarms for SG and Shore units
  • Priority selection (menu 8080, 8090) is reset if not transmitted after 5 minute
  • Failclass "Safety stop" added for SG
  • New commands in M-logic
  • Baseload for SG
  • Improved alarm handling when no supply on SC
  • PTH-mode improved
  • New protections for P- and Q-loadshare supervision
  • G3 options is standard
  • AVR regulation mode change to loadshare when Baseload selected
  • Ship to ship supply
  • Minor text changes in menues
  • Separate sync relay for SG and SC
  • Improved EDG functionality in auto mode



  • Quick Setup implemented
  • Application Broardcast implemented
  • Maximun number of DG running implemented
  • First Priority via binary input and M-logic added
  • Posibility for BTB control extended when Gen missing
  • External trip of Brekaer supervision disabled for SWDB control
  • Separate sync relay is now possible
  • Mode control due Shore connection input changed
  • LED control changed in SWBD control
  • Close GB control during start changed
  • Relay 8 and 11 can now be used as configurable relays
  • Blackout start control improved with forced start via input
  • Auto/Semi auto selection improved

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