iE 250 Marine application SW (Power Management)

iE 250 Marine application SW (Power Management)

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New features

  • Web Config Tool: Added a Version page with version information of the different software components.
  • Web Config Tool: Added support for PTP time synchronisation.
  • It is now possible to manually disable/enable the USB port  when not in use. (cyber security).
  • EIC: Added Cummins Industrial protocol.
  • EIC: Added  Baudouin 6M33 protocol.
  • Added support for DIO2.1 and AIO2.1 plug-in modules.
  • Added device descriptions for 600-series hardware modules for use in CODESYS.
  • Added alarm to indicate unknown traffic on the DEIF network (cyber security).
  • Network port configuration:  New "Standalone" mode to allow CODESYS to be used on Port 0.
  • Added CustomLogic signals to display designer for extra monitoring capabilities.
  • Added iE 7 Display support via Display Port for the iE 250 Base-mounted variant and the iE 350.


  • Improvements to the IP address settings.
  • Logs: It is now possible to press Info when the search filter is highlighted.
  • Introduced an alarm to inform users about malfunctioning hardware modules.
  • Introduced an alarm to inform users about configuration issues on hardware modules.
  • Added fuel level as an engine measurement.
  • Increased the persistent storage to 128KB.
  • Upgraded CODESYS runtime version to v3.5.20.40. 
  • J1939: Added 40 measurements to analogue output functions.
  • Under frequency detection for NEL can now be specified to a tenth of a percentage point.


  • Fixed an issue causing DM2 logs to be empty.
  • Fixed an issue causing display texts not to be translated.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed users to change parameters without logging in.
  • Fixed an issue where custom I/O tests were not shown.
  • Fixed an issue where the DEF level gauge was shown on the dashboard for a Yanmar Stage V engine.
  • Web Config Tool: Fixed an issue causing the user management to stay in edit mode.
  • Web Config Tool: Fixed an issue preventing to write the time settings from the web interface.
  • Fixed issues in user management preventing users from being deleted or having reassigned roles.
  • Fixed an issue causing the status LED to go out of sync.
  • Fixed MIO2.1 device description.
  • Fixed issues with voltage measurement when emulating a split-phase system.
  • Fixed an issue where "System no OK" alarm could occur after changing the time on the controller.
  • Fixed an issue with phase-neutral voltage protections for split- and single-phase AC setups.
  • Fixed an issue in DVC voltage parameters for split-phase.
  • EIC: Fixed an issue cause Stage V lamps for Scania S8 (DEF warning lamp) and Isuzu (Regen warning lamp) not to work.

17.01.2025 based on

New features

  • Web Config Tool: Added a Version page with version information of the different software components.
  • Web Config Tool: Added support for PTP time synchronisation.
  • It is now possible to manually disable/enable the USB port  when not in use. (cyber security).
  • EIC: Added Cummins Industrial protocol.
  • EIC: Added  Baudouin 6M33 protocol.
  • Added support for DIO2.1 and AIO2.1 plug-in modules.
  • Added device descriptions for 600-series hardware modules for use in CODESYS.
  • Added alarm to indicate unknown traffic on the DEIF network (cyber security).
  • Network port configuration:  New "Standalone" mode to allow CODESYS to be used on Port 0.
  • Added CustomLogic signals to display designer for extra monitoring capabilities.
  • Added iE 7 Display support via Display Port for the iE 250 Base-mounted variant and the iE 350.


  • Improvements to the IP address settings.
  • Logs: It is now possible to press Info when the search filter is highlighted.
  • Introduced an alarm to inform users about malfunctioning hardware modules.
  • Introduced an alarm to inform users about configuration issues on hardware modules.
  • Added fuel level as an engine measurement.
  • Increased the persistent storage to 128KB.
  • Upgraded CODESYS runtime version to v3.5.20.40. 
  • J1939: Added 40 measurements to analogue output functions.
  • Under frequency detection for NEL can now be specified to a tenth of a percentage point.


  • Fixed an issue causing DM2 logs to be empty.
  • Fixed an issue causing display texts not to be translated.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed users to change parameters without logging in.
  • Fixed an issue where custom I/O tests were not shown.
  • Fixed an issue where the DEF level gauge was shown on the dashboard for a Yanmar Stage V engine.
  • Web Config Tool: Fixed an issue causing the user management to stay in edit mode.
  • Web Config Tool: Fixed an issue preventing to write the time settings from the web interface.
  • Fixed issues in user management preventing users from being deleted or having reassigned roles.
  • Fixed an issue causing the status LED to go out of sync.
  • Fixed MIO2.1 device description.
  • Fixed issues with voltage measurement when emulating a split-phase system.
  • Fixed an issue where "System no OK" alarm could occur after changing the time on the controller.
  • Fixed an issue with phase-neutral voltage protections for split- and single-phase AC setups.
  • Fixed an issue in DVC voltage parameters for split-phase.
  • EIC: Fixed an issue cause Stage V lamps for Scania S8 (DEF warning lamp) and Isuzu (Regen warning lamp) not to work.


Initial release of the iE 250 Marine.

The iE 250 Marine, our next-generation controller product line for the maritime segment, features an award-winning design ensuring intuitive and efficient operation. 

The iE 250 Marine exceeds IACS UR E27 cybersecurity regulations, providing robust protection against cyber threats. Engineered for superior performance and reliability, it meets the rigorous demands of modern maritime applications. 

This software package is intended to serve the POWER MANAGEMENT level functionality.

Minimum required version of PICUS:

New features

  • An alarm has been added to inform the customer if the log system on the controller has been damaged or is in any other way malfunctioning. This is done to comply with Computer Security Log Management requirements.
  • Updated Volvo EMS2.4 to support ACM module.
  • Added support for CAT C7.1.
  • EIC: Added support for Kohler KDI3404.


  • Fixed default value for the regulator status text.
  • Added support for adjusting the brightness level on the controller.
  • Fixed visibility of ECU and CAN parameters.
  • Fixed issue where Custom Logic was missing.
  • Fixed issue where the licence error alarm could occur after a restore from a backup.
  • Name of Modbus protocols, as seen in PICUS, now includes both type and variant, rather than only type. For example, 'Single Genset GB MB' rather than only 'Single Genset'.
  • Fixed issue where disclaimer was incorrectly shown.

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