AMC 600 PCM6.1 Code package
AMC 600 PCM6.1 Code package
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- OE-Lite updated to continue to build as GitHub no longer accepts http. This also causes changes to some of the package versions.
- Default priority for IRQ threads set to 50 as in upstream Linux.
- Web interface: CODESYS webvisu detection failed after change to https.
- https supports more secure methods with openssl 1.1.1k.
- Memory free information in web interface and REST API now includes buffers and cached memory.
- False positive in ate-loopback-ecat-io test.
- Updated ethercatio to v1.1.4.1.
- Fixed mutex handling when using UART with IFM5.1 and IFM6.1.
- Added gdb to the controller.
- Added backup/restore feature to web interface.
- nginx currently not configured and not started by default. Beware that applications may leave persistent config in /app/nginx.
- Added HID and HIDRAW configuration to the kernel, which are need for CODESYS Key (USB dongle).
- Added dedicated worker thread to solve low latency.
- Added `appmode` support to get the current status.
- Updated libmodbus to 3.1.6.
- Openssl updated to version 1.1.1k.
- Linux SDK changed to 64-bit native (x86_64).
- The load caused by selftest-appfs reduced, which means you can use it together with other selftests without sacrificing reliability.
- An empty /data/sysconf/ethercat file can be used to prevent EtherCAT master operation.
- SCP protocol support in OpenSSH removed. Users will have to use SFTP protocol instead.
- The vsftpd server will only be started automatically if configured with custom /data/sysconf/vsftpd.conf file.
- Update of Vue.js and jQuery components to fix various security issues.
- Update of OpenSSH to fix various security issues, including CVE-2020-14145.
- Update of OpenSSL to fix various security issues, including CVE-2022-0778.
- Update of lighttpd to fix various security issues, including CVE-2008-0983, CVE-2018-19052 and CVE-2019-11072.
- Update of busybox to fix various security issues.
- Lighttpd configuration changed to set X-Frame-Options HTTP header to protect against "clickjacking" attacks.
- Lighttpd configuration changed to set X-Content-Type-Options HTTP header to protect against MIME-sniffing on the response body. |
20.01.2023 |
Fixed:- OE-Lite updated to continue to build as GitHub no longer accepts http. This also causes changes to some of the package versions.
Added:- Added gdb to the controller.
Changed:- Updated libmodbus to 3.1.6.
Security:- Update of Vue.js and jQuery components to fix various security issues. | |
04.05.2022 |
Changed:Updated libmodbus to 3.1.6
Fixed:Default priority for IRQ threads set to 50 as in upstream linux. Fixed mutex handling when using UART with IFM5.1 and IFM6.1 |
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