AGI 415 / 421 (1.0) BSP

AGI 415 / 421 (1.0) BSP

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• Support for hardware changes
• Bug fixes



Update to v1.3

New features
• Added FRAM Backup / Restore support (1.3.786).
• Added watchdog during early boot sequence (1.3.762).
• Added SSH client to configOS image (1.3.741).
• UN6x: Added support for RTSP and MJPEG video streams (1.3.721).
• Added SUMMARY field to license.manifest file (1.3.654).
• Added device compatibility code (1.3.503).
• Backlight timeout is set to 15 minutes (1.3.075).
• Added custom font management to system settings (1.3.054).

• Updating bridge settings will not overwrite the settings that are currently enabled (1.3.797).
• FRAM Manage Target handling (1.3.786).
• Nginx might not be ready when system settings are accessed locally (1.3.750).
• Fixed SW restart issue with a specific 8 GB eMMC (1.3.737).
• Fixed race condition when starting DHCP server on boot (1.3.737).
• Fixed issue with data partition update from local files (1.3.737).
• Web management interface does not work if data partition is full (1.3.737).
• NTP time adjustments not preserved after restore and updates (1.3.717).
• Issues with entering password in authentication window (1.3.698).
• Watchdog might trigger during a BSP update (1.3.667).
• Failure to pull up Ethernet if router service is started at the same time (1.3.654).
• Fixed issue with using VNC with encryption enabled (1.3.652).

• Cyber security: Idle session timeout for VNC server (1.3.632).
• libtiff CVE-2022-0561 and CVE-2022-0562 (1.3.611).
• XSS Protection and HTML/JS validation (1.3.606).
• Implemented loading custom VNC server certificate (1.3.572).
• Implemented CORS access control (1.3.569).
• Added minimum requirements for VNC password (1.3.563).
• Added system domain to store application secrets (1.3.553).
• Added new web server service to system settings with new security options (1.3.553).
• Added support of TLS 1.3 and drop 1.1 in web server (1.3.555).
• Added user passwords to restore functionality in system settings (1.3.532).
• System settings functionality and API to recall secrets (1.3.512).
• Enforce the principle of least privilege (1.3.497).
• Added support to clear data partition without removing applications (1.3.346).
• Users are forced to change password at first login (1.3.079).
• openssl CVE-2022-1292 (1.3.687).



• Support for hardware changes
• Bug fixes



New Features

  • Supports new Ethernet second source AGI407/AGI410/AGI415/AGI421
  • Removed FPGA configuration in system settings for products with new Ethernet component



New Features

  • Add support for DCC, Device Compatibility Code as improvement of BSP upgrade/downgrade process (DCC is stored in devices at manufacturing time)
  • Streamline BSP upgrade/downgrade with the use of DCC, Device Compatibility Code
  • Support new eMMC second source AGI 415/AGI 421
  • Support new USB HUB second source AGI 407/AGI 410/AGI 415/AGI 421
  • Enable autocalibration for touch screen
  • Application management in System Settings
  • Add support for forwarding rules on VPN, PPP and bridge interfaces
  • Add Spanish, Portuguese/Brazilian, Russian language
  • Added option to execute script when SD is inserted
  • Add Korean and Traditional Chinese languages
  • Fixing support for projects larger than 240MB with Manage Target
  • Add access to OSS license information on BSP components in system settings
  • Add Japanese language
  • Add custom font management to System Settings for apps (Chromium, CODESYS)
  • Add mapping of USB to Serial interfaces to ttyS for use with CODESYS
  • Chromium - Minor issues in dialogs with small screens


  • BSP update occasionally fails updating mainos and configos
  • Local and Browser randomly reload System Settings pages also while user is editing
  • “Restore settings” will reset default values of fast boot, HW switch
  • Error uploading OpenVPN file config from browser
  • Error appearing during configuration via browser while connecting directly HMI to PC
  • NTP client and NTP server can be activated separately
  • CODESYS applications should be launched with read-write data partition in fast boot mode
  • Tap-tap not working when we enable fast boot
  • MAC address not returned correctly on bridged interfaces

Security Updates

  • Missing charset in Content-Type Fix to avoid potential attack by UTF-7 XSS
  • Update OpenVPN version for security reasons
  • Added https CA-certificates for Chromium app
  • Disable incoming NTP mode 6 queries
  • Cybersecurity fix CVE
  • Avoid DHCP spoofing vulnerability by not listening on TAP interface
  • Cyber Security: Web Server Error Page Information Disclosure
  • VNC Server crashes if malformed packets are sent



UBOOT changed to U22 from U18 to simplify production - no customer functionality changes from previous version!



New Features

  • Firewall support
  • NAT/Forward service support
  • Update PWM frequency backlight for 21.5” displays
  • Enable NTP local time reference clock


  • Improved event behavior when touchscreen is disabled
  • Cursor may not appear at boot with some mouse devices
  • 800Kbit CAN baudrate support
  • Improved Ethernet messages in case of high network traffic 
  • Software bridge not working via API
  • Screen remains black after toggling external timeout variable




  • Handle dbus init script remove in migrations.
  • US03 xsplash event loop rolled back (prior to infinite progress implementation).
  • Run xscreensaver before AGI project (backlight disable not working with fastboot).
  • Reset WIFI configuration when Network Settings are restored.
  • Fix udev mouse events not triggered if a mouse is plugged in before power on.
  • UN6x - Mouse cursor is shown on some applications when a mouse is not plugged in.
  • Import cryptodev from master (required by new OpenSSL).
  • OpenSSL 1.0.2n: upgrade and patches ported.
  • Recipe compatibility fixes for OpenSSL update.
  • Grabbed python recipes from master (for updated hashlib APIs based on new openssl).
  • Grab latest openssl and openssh recipes from master.
  • Grabbed OpenVPN 2.4.4 recipes from meta-open embedded/master.
  • Added openssl-backcompat package with OpenSSL 1.0.1e binaries.
  • OpenSSL config file fix.
  • OpenSSH 7.6.
  • Update to OpenVPN 2.4.4 and custom_control_message patch alignment.
  • Start ntpd daemon with unsync status.
  • Add openssl-backcompat to image. 
  • Remove warning when enabling SSH service.
  • Set PREFERRED_VERSION_openssl = 1.0.2n.
  • Hide rpine0 interface from System Settings.
  • Add support recipes from meta-fsl-arm to support video codecs on us03.
  • Add support for us03 video codecs.
  • UN71 - Rename bootloader version tag to B03D and B03Q.
  • uS03-jsxx Edited Wifi reset support.
  • uS03-jsxx Added Wifi reset support.
  • Change "RAM Size" to "Toatal Available RAM".
  • us03 has two different bootloaders, b03d and b03q.
  • Fix syslog not starting when fastboot and persistent log are both enabled.
  • Generate certificate files if missing.

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